Study of Rime in the Prose of Abi Al-Fadl Al-Mikali
Aisha Mohamad Moustafa
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences || Damascus University || Syria
Tab title This research deals with the study of Rime in the prose of Abi Al-Fadl Al-Mikali, a study that dealt with this phenomenon in the fourth century AH. The Rime has an important impact on the literary text reaching its goal through mastering the selection of words and letters, considering their characteristics and sounds, so the recipient is delighted when he hears and the reader when he reads, and together it draws attention to the Rime in Abi Al-Fadl Al-Mikaly’s prose, that- this artistic color often leads On other inventive arts such as alliteration and iteration One of the most important recommendations that writers should not lose sight of in their writing is to stay away from the necessity of Riming in their artistic texts unless it is necessary, lest the literary work be spoiled by excessive embellishment and sophistication, so it loses its luster, and distorts its meaning. The recipient responds to the category work through its harmonious music and Rims that correspond to the requirements of the soul, and it is not possible in any way to isolate the rhythm of the Rime from the meaning and context, and the creator’s emotion. The ancient and contemporary critics were interested in this art and its impact on the artwork! Its place in prose is the place of weight in poetry, this art that entered the arts of literature, and gave it a sense of goodness, and a lot of interest in this art and commitment to it in the book of this century, except for what is rarely important. Keywords: Rime – Abu Al-Fadl Al-Mikali – fourth century AH.
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This research deals with the study of Rime in the prose of Abi Al-Fadl Al-Mikali, a study that dealt with this phenomenon in the fourth century AH. The Rime has an important impact on the literary text reaching its goal through mastering the selection of words and letters, considering their characteristics and sounds, so the recipient is delighted when he hears and the reader when he reads, and together it draws attention to the Rime in Abi Al-Fadl Al-Mikaly’s prose, that- this artistic color often leads On other inventive arts such as alliteration and iteration One of the most important recommendations that writers should not lose sight of in their writing is to stay away from the necessity of Riming in their artistic texts unless it is necessary, lest the literary work be spoiled by excessive embellishment and sophistication, so it loses its luster, and distorts its meaning. The recipient responds to the category work through its harmonious music and Rims that correspond to the requirements of the soul, and it is not possible in any way to isolate the rhythm of the Rime from the meaning and context, and the creator’s emotion. The ancient and contemporary critics were interested in this art and its impact on the artwork! Its place in prose is the place of weight in poetry, this art that entered the arts of literature, and gave it a sense of goodness, and a lot of interest in this art and commitment to it in the book of this century, except for what is rarely important. Keywords: Rime – Abu Al-Fadl Al-Mikali – fourth century AH.
دراسة السجع في نثر أبي الفضل الميكالي (436هـ)
عائشة محمَّد المصطفى
كليَّة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانيَّة || جامعة دمشق || سورية
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تناول هذا البحث دراسة السَّجع في نثر أبي الفضل الميكالي، دراسةً تناولت هذه الظاهرة في القرن الرابع الهجري، وقد سعى البحث لإبراز أهمية السَّجع ووظيفته في الكلام المنثور، متبعًا المنهج الوصفي التَّحليلي، ومن النتائج التي توصَّل لها البحث؛ للسَّجع أثر مهم في وصول النَّص الأدبي لغايته من خلال التَّفنن في انتقاء الألفاظ والحروف، باعتبار خصائصها وأصواتها فيطرب المتلقي لما يسمع والقارئ لما يقرأ، وممّا يثير الانتباه بدراستنا للسَّجع في نثر أبي الفضل الميكالي، أنَّ هذا اللَّون الفني يقوم في كثير من الأحيان على فنون بديعيَّة أخرى كالجناس والتَّكرار. ومن أهم التَّوصيات التي يجب أن لا تغيب عن الأدباء في كتابتهم، الابتعاد عن لزوم السَّجع في نصوصهم الفنيَّة إلا إذا احتاج الأمر لذلك، لئلا يفسد العمل الأدبي بكثرة التَّنميق والتَّكلف فيفقد رونقه، ويتشوَّه معناه. فالمتلقي يتجاوب مع العمل الفني من خلال موسيقاه وإيقاعاته المنسجمة التي تتوافق مع متطلبات النَّفس، ولا يمكن بحال من الأحوال عزل إيقاع السجع عن المعنى والسِّياق، وعاطفة المبدع. ولقد اهتمَّ النُّقاد القدماء والمعاصرون بهذا الفن وماله من أثر في العمل الفني، فمقامه من النّثر مقام الوزن من الشِّعر، هذا الفن الذي دخل فنون الأدب، فأضفى عليه حسنًا إلى حسن، وكثُر الاهتمام بهذا الفن والالتزام به عند كتَّاب هذا القرن، إلا ما ندر منهم. الكلمات المفتاحيَّة: السَّجع – أبو الفضل الميكالي – القرن الرَّابع الهجري.